Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I learn more about this site?
Do I need to sign up for an account?
How do I sign up for an account?
How do I make a bracket? How do I join a pool?
How do I enter my bracket picks?
When I'm joining a pool, what if I don't know the pool password?
Am I limited to only one bracket per pool?
How do I create my own pool?
How can I invite others to join the pool I just created?
What makes this site different from all the other "pool" sites?
What do I do when I find a mistake in how results are calculated? Or just a mistake anywhere in the website?
How does this site check for bad passwords?
What are "safe mode" pool invites?

Where do I learn more about this site?

Video tutorial:
Facebook User Group

Do I need to sign up for an account?

In order to join in on the madness, you'll need to create an account. Simply use the Create An Account link at the upper right part of the screen.

How do I sign up for an account?

Use the Create An Account link at the upper right part of the screen. You'll need to supply your name and email address.

How do I make a bracket? How do I join a pool?

First, Create An Account if necessary and sign in. Use the Create Bracket/Join Pool and find the pool you wish to join. Click on the "Click Here to JOIN" link. Enter a nickname for your bracket. If the pool you are joining is a private pool, you will need to enter the "pool password". The owner of that pool may have sent you an official "invite" email that contains the password you need.

How do I enter my bracket picks?

Click on the My Brackets link. Find the bracket you wish to update and use the "Configure Bracket" link to navigate to the "Bracket Progress" page for your bracket. Click on each region to fill out your picks for that region. After finishing the 4 regions, proceed to the Final Roar page. If necessary, you'll need to fill out your selections for the tiebreakers for your pool.

When I'm joining a pool, what if I don't know the pool password?

Contact the owner of the pool in order to discover the pool password.

Am I limited to only one bracket per pool?

No. The amount of brackets you can own is unlimited.

How do I create my own pool?

Use the Create Pool link. Enter the name of your pool, the password (if necessary), and the number of prizes for your pool. Then select the number of points you want awarded for a correct pick in each round of the tournament. Lastly, choose any tiebreakers you wish to enforce for your pool.

How can I invite others to join the pool I just created?

After you've created your pool, use the My Pools link. Click the "Invite Others" link. Copy the sample content and modify as necessary to email all the competitors. You also have the option of using "safe mode" for your invites. In safe mode, each bracket will have a unique link and password that will allow the bracket owner to submit their bracket selections and view pool results--but not do anything else. This is ideal for situations where students might name their bracket something inappropriate or do something else shady on the site. Watch a video to learn more about safe mode.

What makes this site different from all the other "pool" sites?

  • boasts UpsetTracker, a unique insight into the brackets that proved worthy of predicting the most ridiculous upsets.
  • Need to know what you need to happen in the tournament that will take your bracket to the top of the ranking? You can with Once the Sweet 16 is set, simply use the "Possible Pool Results" link.

What do I do when I find a mistake in how results are calculated? Or just a mistake anywhere in the website?

Contact immediately.

How does this site check for bad passwords?

This site uses a free service here to disallow passwords that have been found to be compromised in a data breach.

What are "safe mode" pool invites?

In safe mode, each bracket will have a unique link and password that will allow the bracket owner to submit their bracket selections and view pool results--but not do anything else. This is ideal for situations where students might name their bracket something inappropriate or do something else shady on the site. Watch a video to learn more about safe mode.